Spartan Caseworker
Health and Human Services Case Management System
Spartan's HS-CMS application for Health and Human Services / Social Services provides flexible, customizable case management for caseworkers, directors, administrators, and others involved with Health and Human Services. The system offers all the Spartan CMS base functionality in addition to specialized features designed to assist those working with Adult and Child Protective Services, Child Care Case Management, Intake, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formally Food Stamps), Medicaid, and more.
Standard Features
Comprehensive Searches - Search by party name, case number, and many other data elements
User Defined Case Types - Set up any case type with business rules - example: civil case types, family court, arbitration, etc.
Guarantee Confidentiality with Advanced, Multi-Tier Security - Configure multi-level security for individual users, functions, and user groups
Track Any Type of Information with User -Defined Fields - Track data not in the system by setting up custom fields
Automated Workflows
HS-CMS features advanced task tracking with workflows, case activities, and ticklers (e.g., alerts or reminders). With this
functionality, agencies can design, manage, and implement virtually any kind of policy, business rule, or procedure, resulting in tremendous cost and time savings, increased efficiency, and greater overall productivity.
The dynamic, event-triggered Spartan Workflow Engine keeps workers and supervisors aware of the activities associated with each case. Workflows enforce business rules, assuring compliance with changing government regulations.
Integrated Imaging
Import existing image files or scan images into the system
Email imaged documents
Drag and drop e-mails into filings screen
Automatically track discovery status and email discovery
HS-CMS System Benefits
Generate an unlimited number of custom designed Microsoft Word® merge
Store emails, imaged documents, videos, and other types of media with cases
Set up custom workflows and automated reminders
Optionally Integrate with advanced technologies, such as Web Portals and Custom Interfaces for communicating with external systems.
Schedule and number of events, such as conferences, hearings, and meetings
Store unlimited notes/narratives